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If you’re a contractor or a contractee, the construction industry scheme can be a daunting thought. A monthly submission is required. Give us a call and we can advise you if you need to make a submission and how we can help you.
What is CIS Monthly return?
You must tell HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) each month about payments you’ve made to subcontractors through your monthly return.
You can file returns by using:
• the HMRC CIS online service
• some commercial CIS software
On your return, you must declare that the subcontractors listed are not employees.
You could get a penalty of up to £3,000 if you give the wrong employment status for a subcontractor on your monthly return.
If you made no payments?
You do not have to file a return for the months when you made no payments to subcontractors, but you must tell HMRC that no return is due.
You can tell HMRC if you want to make an ‘inactivity request if you’ve temporarily stopped using subcontractors. This lasts for 6 months.
You must tell HMRC if you start using subcontractors again.
Send your monthly returns to HMRC by the 19th of every month following the last tax month.
If you’re making a return for the tax month of 6 May to 5 June, it must reach HMRC by 19 June.